Additional Information
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The story of Genetikode begins in the halls of the prestigious Karolinska Institute in Sweden. One of the company's founders, while working there, witnessed firsthand the power and potential of genetic research. Driven by the belief that these advancements could revolutionize healthcare, the founding team set out to translate scientific breakthroughs into accessible and impactful solutions.
We provide next generation sequencing services for the personalized treatment of health and medical conditions.
Exome sequencing provides a cost-effective alternative to whole genome sequencing, as it targets only the protein coding region of the human genome responsible for a majority of known disease-related variants.
Human whole genome sequencing enables researchers to catalog the genetic constitution of individuals and capture all the variants present in a single assay.
Amplicon sequencing is a method of targeted next generation sequencing that enables you to analyze genetic variation in specific genomic regions.
ChIP-Seq provides genome-wide profiling of DNA targets for histone modification, transcription factors, and other DNA-associated proteins.
For any inquiry, please contact us at or the form given below.
101 19A Al-Gulab Amrut Nagar, Jogeshwari, Mumbai 400102 India;
+91 7006689469