Next Generation Sequencing Solutions

We are team of talanted Scientists

Denovo Sequencing

Using de novo sequencing to obtain the genomic information of microbes provides a fresh start for exploring the genetic structure and functions, studying the evolutionary origin of microbial populations, as well as developing potential applications of these abundant microbes in medicine, disease, agriculture, and environment.

For the microbial genome, Genetikode offers de novo sequencing service using Illumina platforms. We provide multifaceted sequencing services including genome survey, frame map, complete map, and fine map tailored to different research needs. For each project, our scientists will design the best sequencing strategy utilizing an optimal combination of short reads and long-range sequencing information to achieve the most comprehensive de novo assembly results for your genome of interest.

Sample Requirements

  • DNA amount for survey: ≥ 10 µg.
  • DNA amount for genome de novo sequencing per library: ≥ 2 µg (for Illumina sequencing) and > 20 µg (for PacBio sequencing).
  • DNA concentration: ≥ 50 ng/µL (for Illumina sequencing) and > 80 ng/µL (for PacBio sequencing).
  • Purity: No degradation, no DNA contamination.

Additional Information

Coming soon ....



We provide next generation sequencing services for the personalized treatment of health and medical conditions.

Whole Exome Sequencing

Exome sequencing provides a cost-effective alternative to whole genome sequencing, as it targets only the protein coding region of the human genome responsible for a majority of known disease-related variants.

Whole Genome Sequencing

Human whole genome sequencing enables researchers to catalog the genetic constitution of individuals and capture all the variants present in a single assay.

Amplicon Sequencing

Amplicon sequencing is a method of targeted next generation sequencing that enables you to analyze genetic variation in specific genomic regions.


ChIP-Seq provides genome-wide profiling of DNA targets for histone modification, transcription factors, and other DNA-associated proteins.


For any inquiry, please contact us at or the form given below.


101 19A Al-Gulab Amrut Nagar, Jogeshwari, Mumbai 400102 India


+91 7006689469

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